Invitation to Participate
We invite you to take part in a research study about stroke prevention. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we currently are not holding in-person health fair events for everyone’s safety. Instead we will be conducting the health screenings virtually. Sign up today to find out your risk for having a stroke. Please contact our office at 608-261-1577 – available MON-FRI 8.00am-4.00pm.
This study is being conducted in partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison) and the Oneida Nation. A total of 120 members of the Oneida Nation will participate in this study and will be enrolled locally in the Oneida Comprehensive Health Division in Oneida, Wisconsin. Study activities are done locally and participants do not need to travel to Madison, Wisconsin. All of the analysis of the study will take place at UW-Madison.
Funding for this study is provided by the Wisconsin Partnership Program (WPP).
Aims of the Study:
- To look for new information (called a biomarker) that doctors can use in the future to better assess the risk for stroke or premature dementia in Native American Populations.
- To find out if using health coaching along with standard medical care can help individuals make changes in their lifestyle and reduce the risk for stroke and dementia.
- Provide information to the Oneida community about stroke prevention.
“Health coaching” helps people learn new recipes (eat healthier), develop an exercise routine (to increase their physical activity) and helps them manage their weight and quit smoking. All of which are significant to reducing your risk for a stroke.
Why Are Researchers Doing this study?
The purpose of this research study is to identify what risk factors put Native Americans at higher risk for stroke and to find out what activities work best to lower those risks.
This study also aims to increase awareness to the Oneida community as a whole about the signs of a stroke as well as modifiable risk factors that can cause a stroke. Research suggests Native American populations are at a higher risk for strokes, and those most at risk are the elders of the community. We aim to create a Stroke Awareness Team in partnership with the Oneida Comprehensive Health Division to offer more education on how to recognize a stroke and about making lifestyle modifications to reduce your risk for having a stroke and complications. Please see the “Home” page to learn more about stroke risk factors and see the “Assessing My Stroke Risk Factors” page to assess your individual risk factors.
This study is being conducted by the University of Wisconsin-Madison in partnership with the Oneida Nation.
What will happen in this study?
If you decide to participate in this research study, you will be assigned to one of three groups. If your screening test showed that you are at higher risk of having a stroke, you will be in Group 1 or Group 2. If your screening test showed that you are at a low risk of having a stroke, you will be in Group 3.
All study participants will complete a carotid ultrasound, health and family history, cognitive testing and a blood draw at the beginning and the end of the study. These are the only study activities for Group 3. This testing will take place at the Oneida Comprehensive Division of Heath.
If you are in Group 1 or Group 2, your risk factors will be reviewed by a study team doctor. The doctor will provide advice and educational documents on how to reduce your risk factors.
If you are in Group 1, you will work with health coaches to set goals to reduce your stroke risk factors. The health coaches will meet with you face-to-face in the Oneida Comprehensive Health Division at least quarterly and communicate with you weekly either face-to-face, by phone or by email. The health coaches will help you work toward achieving your goals. Some participants in Group 1 will have an additional reassessment at Year 1.
This is a two year study. If selected after your initial health screening for stroke risk, at the beginning of the study all participants will have the following:
- Carotid Ultrasound
- Cognitive testing
- Health questionnaire
- Blood sample
You will be assigned to 1 of 3 groups based on your stroke risk status. Group 1 study participants will participate with health coaches throughout the entire two year study. Some Group 1 study participants will also have a visit in the middle of the study (in between year 1 and year 2) which will include the following:
- Carotid Ultrasound
- Cognitive testing
- Health questionnaire
If you are interested in participating, please contact our office at 608-261-1577 – available MON-FRI 8.00am-4.00pm.